Frequently Asked Questions
Where are you located?
We have two locations, between two different states. Our main beef headquarters is located just outside of Mineral Point, Wisconsin. Mineral Point is where our ranch is with the abundant native prairie pastureland (our cattle herd grazes here from March-December). Our second location is our wintering facility, located near Malta Illinois. We transport our entire cattle herd back to Illinois for the winter since we have the perfect setup in IL for our herd to enjoy happy and warm winters; with abundant food rations and water (while also giving our Wisconsin pastures a break for the winter). In early spring (once the pastures are fit to graze on again), we transport our cattle herd back to open WI pastures. Our WI beef customer pick-up location is at the beef processor's shop (Prem Meats) in Spring Green. Our IL beef pick-up location is at a farm near Steward, and customers get to meet us in-person at that pick up location!
Are your cattle 100% Grass-fed AND Grass-Finished?
Yes! 100% grass-fed AND 100% grass-finished! Our K & K Grass-Fed Beef do not receive grain rations to fatten/finish. Our abundant, diverse pastures do an incredible job at fattening our beef up- with beautiful marbling. 100% grass-fed beef is high in beneficial CLA levels, along with a favorable ratios of Omega 3's vs Omega 6 fatty acids. When cattle eat their native diet, beef becomes a wonderful source of Omega 3. Grain is not a rich source of Omega 3, so standard grain-finished cattle practices cause the Omega 3 level to decrease dramatically.
What do your cattle eat during the harsh winter months?
Our cattle eat plentiful native prairie grass and native herbs 9 months out of the year, and in the remaining 3 months they receive a highly nutritious organic alfalfa + grass mix hay. All of our cattle (momma cows, calves, yearlings, and bulls) stay cozy in warm bedded barns, but also have space to run, buck, and play. No confinement sheds here! Even in the winter our cattle still get fresh air, sunshine, exercise, and lots of organic alfalfa hay, and salt/mineral portions.
What do you add for seasonings?
Usually just some sea salt and pepper! Excellent beef stands alone without any marinades, sauces, flavorings, etc. Why buy beef that needs something special to taste great? When pan frying our beef we prefer animal fat like tallow or ghee, instead of seed or plant oils. When cooking a lean roast (round roast) or other lean cuts, you can add a bit of bone broth to moisten your meal, if desired. Our fatty roasts (arm & chuck roasts) need no bone broth at all when slow cooking!
Are you certified Organic?
Although we are not certified organic by the USDA, we consider the quality of our beef beyond organic- the way nature intended, prior to human intervention. Our cattle graze freely on mineral-rich native prairie grassland that is organically managed (and has never been farmed). We treat our cattle and their pastureland ecosystem with the care and respect that both deserve. Our beef is 100% grass-fed and grass-finished; it is free of antibiotics, added hormones, and pesticides; and it's 100% humanely harvested right on our own pastures.
Is your beef aged?
Yes! Our beef is dry aged for roughly two weeks before cutting to order.
Where is your breakdown of what's included in bulk beef orders?
We don't list a generalized cut breakdown for our bulk beef because our customers get to completely customize each order. Most of the bulk beef orders vary greatly from the next in specific chosen cuts. The final take-home cuts are completely based on each individual's preference (from what is submitted on the beef processing order forms). Each of our bulk beef customers receive a link to an online beef processing form, after their deposit is received by us. We then let our customers know when the deadline is for submitting their online forms to our beef processor. If our bulk customers need any assistance filling out their processing form, we can schedule a phone call to provide assistance! Prem Meats is also an excellent place to ask for help/assistance on bulk beef order specifics. The online beef processing form provides helpful tips, suggestions, and information on how to choose your best order.
On the beef processing form our bulk customers are able to completely customize:
Ribeye (prime rib roasts, steaks, or ground)
Round (steak, roasts, cubed steak, stew meat, or ground)
Chuck & Arm (steaks, roasts, or ground)
Short Loin (T-bones, porterhouses, NY strips, Tenderloin, Kansas City strips, or ground)
Sirloin Tip (steaks, roasts, or ground)
Sirloin (steaks, roasts, or ground)
Thickness of each steak (3/4", 1", 1 1/4", or 1 1/2")
Number of steaks per pack (1, 2, 3, or 4)
Steaks being bone-in or boneless
Ground hamburger tube sizing (1 lb, 1.5 lb, 2 lb, or 5 lb)
Additional product options: oxtail, liver, heart, short ribs, soup bones, tongue, smoked or raw brisket, marrow bones, dog bones, fat trimmings, and suet.
Additional product options that cost extra: 1/3 lb shaped patties, summer sausage, beef sticks, ring bologna, jerky, and hot dogs.
How long do your calves get to stay with mama cow?
We leave the calves together with their mothers on pasture for as long as possible. Our mother cows calve (give birth) each spring, and then we wean the calves when we transport them to our wintering facility (usually in December). This time span creates a wonderful 8-ish months for the calves to be with their mothers; getting that glorious grass-fat, sunshine-enriched milk; and learning to graze alongside their mothers.
How old are the cattle that you harvest?
We harvest our steers and heifers around 26-28 months of age to ensure they have beautiful grass-fat and good marbling.
How many coolers do I need to transport a beef 1/2 or a whole beef?
Bulk beef comes deeply frozen in sturdy boxes (labeled with your name). You won’t need to bring any coolers at all if you don’t want to! The beef stays frozen in the boxes (as long as the heat or sun isn’t blasting on them) for quite a while. Some customers bring moving blankets to cover the boxes, for extra insulation on the way home. We have customers who drive over 3 hours to get our beef, and we’ve never had reports of issues with beef thawing on the way back (even in the midst of summer). Pick ups are made even easier when customers don't have to figure out coolers for transportation. We're thankful for our wonderful boxing crew at Prem Meats!
Am I able to customize my beef order?
Yes, bulk beef orders are completely customizable. Each bulk beef customer gets to fill out an online form to submit to our beef processor once their order is ready to be cut and customized. On the beef processing form our customers can completely customize their order with their preferred cuts. Our customers have reported that it’s a very quick and convenient process when completing the cutting instructions form.
Do you ship your beef?
Unfortunately, not at this point in time. Maybe someday we can! We would love to eventually ship our beef so more families have access to it. However, for now it's just local farm and beef processor pick ups (Steward IL and Spring Green WI).
Is your beef refrigerated or frozen?
We sell our beef frozen in convenient vacuum sealed packaging (for extra long freezer shelf life).